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    Thai Yoga Bodywork

    ~ the art of letting go ~

  • What is Thai Yoga Bodywork?


    Thai Yoga Bodywork offers a unique style of bodywork that restores your fluidity of movement and peaceful state of being. Nicknamed 'lazy man's yoga', it is a series of slow rhythmic compressions to muscles and energy pathways, gentle rocking movements, percussive massage, and gentle passive stretches. Slowly and smoothly, the body is relieved of restrictive tensions, inducing deep relaxation with an energized calm. By opening up the body's energy pathways or meridians, our life-force energy can more freely circulate.


    Finding ways to relieve stress is essential for health and well-being. The tensions of daily life can obstruct our flow of vitality, like a river that has been dammed. When life-force energy loses it's momentum, it becomes sluggish and can lead to dis-ease. Regular Thai yoga sessions can bring vast benefits to our overall health...improved flexibility, resilience to stress and injury, a brighter mood and a peaceful disposition. Life can be happier and more successful when we make time to nurture ourselves...in mind, body, and spirit.


    Thai Yoga Bodywork helps you to...

    • Increase flexibility and vitality

    • Alleviate pain and stiffness

    • Find peace and deep relaxation

    • Reduce stress and anxiety

    • Enhance your immune system and body-wisdom

    • Speed recovery from injury; safeguard against injury

    • Improve circulation to organs, muscles, and the skin

    • Integrate your body, mind, emotions, and spirit

  • Mission

    Bodhi~Wise's mission is to help people connect with their innate body-wisdom and the healing power within. This vast resource leads us back to a natural state of balance, vitality, harmony, and ease. Our bodywork studio is a safe place for you to fully relax, recharge, and revitalize yourself in a nurturing and therapeutic setting.

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  • Chris Butson

    Certified Thai Yoga Therapist

    “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind" ~ Bruce Lee

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    Chris aims to help people connect with their body's wisdom and innate healing power. With an intent to bring peaceful presence and liberate the body-mind, Chris offers a deeply calming, restorative experience. He enjoys helping people step out of time, relax, and come back to themselves.

    In the Thai Buddhist tradition of 'loving-kindness' touch, Chris initiates fluid movement for the body, using slow compression and extension, rocking, percussion, and gentle stretching. Sessions are customized to your needs and take place on a cushioned floor mat; wear comfortable clothing.
    Chris came to the healing arts after 13 years working the "corporate grind". He longed for a self-directed path of service, authentic to his heart and soul. In 2007, he headed to California to certify in northern-style Thai Yoga Bodywork. He trained at the Ritam School of Healing Arts, with renowned teacher Saul David Raye. Chris served for 3 years as a yoga studio manager at east Atlanta's Jai Shanti Yoga, and assisted Thai massage trainings led by Atlanta's revered teacher, William Hufschmidt. Since 2008, Chris has built a loyal following of clients in private practice.
    Chris lives in the north Georgia mountains with his puppers and oversees the grounds and operations of a small permaculture non-profit farm.
  • Session Scheduling

    ~ Thank you for honoring my 24 hour cancellation policy ~

    Currently offering Outcalls only.

    7 days a week.

    by appointment only



    Contact Chris @ 404.964.6040 (text please) or BodhiWiseOne@gmail.com

  • Reviews


    Wow....so much intention, compassion and advanced level thai massage. If you're looking to be pampered, blissed out and receive a healing touch, fully clothed and all ~ Chris is beyond words. I can't say enough about my 2 hour experience and it just kept getting better and better ~ and it started off as a 10 if that tells you anything. Highly recommend :) ~ Natalie of Marietta

    "I love my job but it can be quite stressful at times - taking it's toll on me physically. My weekly bodywork sessions with Chris have been important in developing a higher awareness of taking care of both my body & mind - with great results!" ~ Joe H of Marietta


    "A huge thanks to Chris for hitting the reset button on my physical well being. I am a tennis professional and my body is in constant motion; I twist, I jump and I pound my body into the pavement everyday. Chris was able to counter-point all the motions that turn into potential ailments. I was put into a soothing state of self-healing meditation while being lead physically through stretches and massage that accentuated the healing process. If you are looking for the reset button and a new start to physical well-being look no further." ~ Nate K of Chicago


    "Chris provided an exceptional session. He communicated well throughout our session, ensuring my comfort and achieving the ideal depth of pressure. I don't feel like a very flexible client, but after all the different stretching techniques he used, my muscles, joints, and back feel limber and relaxed. Chris has a firm but gentle touch -- I was impressed with his talent and therapeutic presence." ~ Niki B. of Marietta


    "Every few minutes of the 2 hour session I had with Chris, I would think, "This is my favorite part.....no, THIS is my favorite part...." ~ Wanda D. of Marietta

    "Thank you, Chris. I felt great about half way through the session and I still do. No soreness, my breathing is better - I feel clear.....this is the first time I've felt energy movement during any session I've had. ~ Kristin B. of Marietta

    "I think the thing you (Chris) have going for you most though, even more than the method or process, is your presence & intuition. That's what impressed me the most. Very therapeutic, nurturing & in sync with what I needed." ~ Sara Z. of Midtown


  • Rates & Policies


    Thai Yoga Bodywork is a thorough treatment for the entire body, with focused attention on each joint, muscle, and energy pathway of the body. It takes place on a cushioned floor mat; with both client and therapist in loose, comfortable clothing (please, no shorts). You'll want to avoid a heavy meal 1-2 hours before your session. All sessions conclude with aromatic hot herbal packs to induce maximum relaxation!


    The 90 minute session provides ample time for head-to-toe relaxation and integration.


    The 2-hour session helps you fully reap the benefits of this work...for deep restorative bliss and extra time for specific areas in need.


    Session Rates


    90 Minutes

    starting at



    120 Minutes

    starting at



    Payment in CASH or CHECK is preferred, but I can also accept all credit cards

    Cancellation Policy


    Cancellations and appointment changes require 24 hours notice. A 50% charge may be issued for late cancellations (depending on my ability to fill your spot).


    Missed appointments/no shows will be billed for the full value of the session.

  • Locations

    Outcalls only. Sessions are available by appointment within 50 miles of Dahlonega, GA

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    Marietta Studio - CLOSED